le dpi, 2006
Rainier Lericolais
400 pages, 1 color, CD audio 76'44", softcover
6.3 x 9.4 in. (16 x 24 cm)
More details 20.00 €
Les brigades du tigre, Gouaches originales de la série télévisée, 2013
André Raffray
Textes de Bernard Blistène et Thierry Saumier
286 pages color - Paperback
5.1 x 6.7 in. (13 x 17 cm)
More details 15.00 €
Pleased to meet you #4, 2017
Steve Gianakos
Text by Alexis Vaillant and conversation between Steve Gianakos and Amélie Lavin
80 pages, FR/ENG, stitched, softcover
11.81 x 9.06 inch ( 30 x 23 cm )
More details 14.00 €
Pleased to meet you #6, 2018
André Cadere
Text by Hervé Bize and conversation between André Cadere and Sylvère Lotringer
80 pages, fr/eng stitched, softcover
11.81 x 9.06 inch ( 30 x 23 cm )
More details 14.00 €