Anthony Cudahy

Like Night Needs Morning, 2024

48 pages
11.81 x 7.87 inch ( 30 x 20 cm )

15.00 €
48 pages
11.81 x 7.87 inch ( 30 x 20 cm )

This new artist's book devoted to the work of Anthony Cudahy is published to coincide with his solo exhibition Like Night Needs Morning, taking place from September through November 2024, at the CAP Saint-Fons.

The opus consists of twenty-four drawings rendered in acrylic paint. The watery layers on the paper depict the moving shapes of figures and bodies. Superimposed on these aqueous images, we find decorative arabesques of precisely drawn stems and fronds. The drawings have been created as opposing pairs representing day and night, akin to an amorous game where light and darkness come together. The broad silvery flat tints reflect this interplay of opposites and intensify the tension between these twin relationships. As the reader turns the pages, they gradually discover many of the artist?s reportorial predilections: erotic scenes tempered by the inclusion of plant forms, in one sense herbarium, and Kamasutra in another, where narcissi and ferns express the language of the heart as much as that of the body.

The New York painter Anthony Cudahy's artist's book follows on from his earlier work The Moon Sets A Knife (2021), already published by Semiose, and around ten other previously self-published fanzines. The fanzine is a format favored by the artist, as it allows him to produce a multiplicity of works that are both affordable and available to his community of friends and admirers.
