Hugo Capron

Corpus Painting #3, 2023

Semiose éditions

48-page, hard bound cover, in blister, French / English
11.81 x 8.66 inch ( 30 x 22,5 cm )

24.00 €
48-page, hard bound cover, in blister, French / English
11.81 x 8.66 inch ( 30 x 22,5 cm )
Corpus Painting #3 - Hugo Capron
Corpus Painting #3 - Hugo Capron
Corpus Painting #3 - Hugo Capron
Corpus Painting #3 - Hugo Capron
Corpus Painting #3 - Hugo Capron
Corpus Painting #3 - Hugo Capron
Corpus Painting #3 - Hugo Capron

Text by Eric Troncy.

With "Corpus Painting", Semiose éditions is launching a new collection of published works dedicated exclusively to painting. Each hard-bound, 48-page, coffee table style volume will focus on a precise set of paintings and will include a text in English and French signed by a prominent figure from the world of art. This series is an invitation to delve into the painting medium and gain insight into a particular series of works, while contemplating a fascinating succession of images with the same passion and devotion one might have for altarpieces or painted icons.

With a background in printing, Hugo Capron's painting is based on the pleasure of reproducing the same image in long series that seek to exhaust all the possibilities of variation. His paintings are generally produced in one go and without repentance, but are nevertheless based on precise technical equations. Long interested in the correspondences between a volume of paint and a surface of canvas to be covered, his return from the Kujoyama Villa in 2019 led to a breaking point. His works began to represent subjects that were often classical and anonymous, borrowed from the history of etching or the history of painting.