Anthony Cudahy

The Moon Sets A Knife, 2021

Semiose éditions

40 pages
11.81 x 7.87 inch ( 30 x 20 cm )
isbn : 978-2-37739-053-3

15.00 €
40 pages
11.81 x 7.87 inch ( 30 x 20 cm )
isbn : 978-2-37739-053-3
The Moon Sets A Knife - Anthony Cudahy
The Moon Sets A Knife - Anthony Cudahy
The Moon Sets A Knife - Anthony Cudahy
The Moon Sets A Knife - Anthony Cudahy
The Moon Sets A Knife - Anthony Cudahy
The Moon Sets A Knife - Anthony Cudahy
The Moon Sets A Knife - Anthony Cudahy

The New York painter Anthony Cudahy's fanzine The Moon Sets A Knife, published by Semiose (editions), is the latest in a series of a dozen fanzines previously penned by the artist. It is made up of found images, historical works, photographs, notes and drawings, and is printed in monochrome on azure blue paper, in keeping with the aesthetic conventions of the fanzine.

Haunted by a scene glimpsed during his adolescence, materialized by the recurring image of the couple/twin, which Anthony Cudahy juxtaposes with motifs of snakes and dogs biting their own tails that delicately slide into decorative arabesques. Details of flowers with their suggestive pistils add a touch of tender sensuality in stark contrast to the savagery of animals devouring each other. Intermingled with this romantic repertoire, we find images of recent events -wildfires in California, compulsory mask wearing- as well as views of the artist's studio, his work as much inspired by his everyday surroundings as more distant environments.