Vous en chierez jusqu'à la fin des temps, 2005
Taroop & Glabel
Textes de François Coadou et Claire Legrand
304 pages color - hardcover
23 x 17 cm
More details Sold out
Pleased to meet you #4, 2017
Steve Gianakos
Text by Alexis Vaillant and conversation between Steve Gianakos and Amélie Lavin
80 pages, FR/ENG, stitched, softcover
11.81 x 9.06 inch ( 30 x 23 cm )
More details 14.00 €
Pleased to meet you #12, 2022
Laurent Le Deunff
Text by Dorothée Dupuis, conversation between Laurent Le Deunff and Steven L. Bridge
80 pages, fr/eng stitched, softcover
11.81 x 9.06 inch ( 30 x 23 cm )
More details 14.00 €